Upcoming Events
We look forward to gathering with you at our upcoming events!
Zumba: Monday Nights at 6pm
Come join us for Zumba on Monday evenings at 6pm in the fellowship hall. We will have an hour of laughing and dancing yourself into shape. The instructor, Ebonet at Rave Fitness, is phenomenal!! Class begins at 6pm and only costs $3/class. First class is free! Go to https://www.facebook.com/ravefitnessfun if you have questions!
Ultimate Frisbee: Monday Nights at 6pm
If Zumba isn’t your thing, consider coming out for ultimate frisbee instead!! Join us at Lake Daniel (Mimosa Drive side), bring a white and dark shirt for teams, some water, and a friend! If you have questions, contact Stephen Jones, [email protected].
Staff Coffee Hours: Wednesdays, 11:30am – 1:00pm
Enjoy a mid-week break with your CP ministers and community at A Special Blend on Wednesdays, 11:30am – 1:30 pm. It is a great way to see your CP Fam outside of Sunday service! Stop by and enjoy a treat on us!
Wednesday Night Activities – Starting in October
Come out weekly – starting in October – with your family for a night of fellowship and fun!
Tai Chi: Thursdays, 7 – 8:15pm
Tai Chi returns to College Park on Thursday evenings, 7-8:15pm in the Chapel, beginning September 8th. Two instructors, Marti Lillich and Mark Fleming, will provide the opportunity for greater individual attention and pacing. Please let us know if you plan to attend by emailing Marti at [email protected] or Mark at [email protected]. $5 donation/class.
Theology on Tap
Come out for our Theology on Tap events on the Third Thursday of each month, 6:30pm, at SouthEnd Brewery! We will discuss a question focused on our faith and enjoy time with each other. Email the church office at [email protected] with questions.
Mostly Men’s Occasional Book Club
The Mostly Men’s Book club meets about every other month at the Shaney house. Email Michael Usey at [email protected] with questions!
Women of Valor Book Club
The Women of Valor meets about every other month at the Elkins home. Email Kari Baumann [email protected] with questions.