Sunday School & Study Groups

Adult Sunday School
God in Books Class
This class is reading Doing Justice by Preet Bahara. Led by Lexi Eagles, God-in-Books meets upstairs and brings together people of varied ages, experiences, and outlooks, for energetic discussions of a selected book. They choose diverse authors of both fiction and non-fiction who entertain, provoke, and generally lead us to grapple with the difficult questions our faith and faith history present to us. New voices are always welcome! If you have questions, please contact Lexi at [email protected]. Copies of the book are available in the foyer.
This class is reading and discussing Irresistible by Andy Stanley, which challenges the way we view and talk about Jesus’s radical ministry in the world and what that means for us now. Chuck Joyce will lead this class in reading through and discussing the challenging and powerful perspectives presented in this book. This class meets upstairs next to the choir room. If you need a book or if you have questions about this class, email Chuck at [email protected]. Copies of the book are available in the foyer.
This class is led by Meagan Holleman and is located in the parlor across from the chapel. This class is multi-generational and a unique opportunity for people in different life stages to come together to learn from each other’s experiences and perspectives. They use literature to start conversations around spiritual issues and to help each other grow. If you have questions, please contact Meagan at [email protected].
If you would like to learn more about our Adult Sunday School opportunities, you can contact Lin Story-Bunce, [email protected].
Youth Sunday School
9th-12th graders meet with Adam Team, James Blay, and Lin Story-Bunce in their classroom off the Fellowship Hall.
6th-8th graders meet with Caroline Joyce and Nikki Harris in the lower hall of our Education wing.
In these classes, both groups engage in relevant conversations about life and faith.
Children’s Sunday School
We are grateful to have an amazing team leading our children’s ministry at College Park! Our Children’s Ministry Team, along with our stellar group of teachers and volunteers, works diligently to plan creative opportunities that nurture within our children a curiosity of faith, a love for others, and a desire to live out their faith with bold action in the world. Kids look forward to being a part of each opportunity and they know undeniably that they are loved, they are welcome, and are a cherished part of our family of faith!
Childcare is available for those under 2 in the nursery during Sunday School and is provided during both worship services for children through Kindergarten. Children 1st grade and older are invited to join us in worship. There are worship resources as well as books and coloring pages available for children.
If you would like to learn more about our Children’s ministry, you can contact Kari Baumann at [email protected].