UNCG Parking Permits
Looking for a convenient parking place at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro? We rent spaces in our church parking lot, just across Aycock Avenue from UNCG near the baseball stadium. Annual Parking Permits are $350 (including summer school) – valid August 1 of the current year through July 31 of the following year. Semester Parking permits are $200 per semester. Spring permits are valid January 1 – May 31. Summer permits are $40 per session.
Call our church office at 336.273.1779 or email us at [email protected] for more info. You can pay with check or cash in our office after applying, or you can opt to pay online. If you choose to pay online, you will need to pay the transaction fee (about $15).
Online Application | Pay online with a credit card
Our office is open Monday-Thursday, 9:00am-1:00pm.
We are a fun and cool (and a little zany) congregation. We invite you to visit us anytime!
College Park Church Parking Regulations
- Hours for parking: Parking is permitted between 7 AM-10 PM Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, and 7 AM-5 PM on Wednesday unless otherwise restricted or prohibited due to a special weekday function such as a funeral. The church will attempt to give advanced notice of a special function such as this when possible. Do not enter the parking lot if entrances are blocked with cones or signs.
- Where to park: Parking is permitted in the back and on the side of the parking lot as well as the handicapped spaces at the front of the lot.
- Please do not park in a “Reserved” space as these are for church staff and members.
- Displaying of permit tag: Your valid permit must be displayed from the rearview mirror and color facing forward when parked in the lot. Permits are non-transferable, non-refundable, and should not be shared at any time. If you are driving a vehicle other than the vehicles registered with CPC, call to advise the church office. Please remember, tag should be displayed in front of other tags with lettering and color side of College Park tag should be facing forward.
- Towing Enforced: Vehicles parked without a permit displayed, parked illegally, or parked improperly will be towed at the owner’s risk and expense. Vehicles will be towed by
- Kirk – Sineath Towing Company (336-272-3456). Violations of these regulations may result in the revocation of current and future parking privileges.
- Disclaimer: These regulations may be modified as warranted, and such changes become binding upon lessees. Advance notice of such changes will be provided.
Wednesday Night and Sunday Morning Parking
- No parking on Wednesday evenings after 5:00 p.m. or Sunday mornings.
- We have dinner and worship on Wednesday nights and all spaces are needed for our church members.
- Sunday mornings is reserved solely for church functions and no parking will be allowed. This includes “R” – Rental Permits also.
- No overnight parking or weekend parking is allowed.