Rachel Hutto – Before & After
Short Stories By Jesus Series Our fall worship series was entitled Short Stories By Jesus, in which we were looking at Jesus’ parables, especially some of the most problematic ones. We enlisted the congregation to write Before & After stories. Each Sunday one member shared a story in which there was a before and an after, and after which, many things in his or her life changed dramatically. Here is one of those stories. Rachel Hutto – Before and After According to the Census Data Bamberg, SC is home to approximately 35 hundred people. My graduating class was about 100. Not the tiniest place on the map, but certainly a smallish community…
Suzanne Suddarth – Before & After
Short Stories By Jesus Series Our fall worship series was entitled Short Stories By Jesus, in which we were looking at Jesus’ parables, especially some of the most problematic ones. We enlisted the congregation to write Before & After stories. Each Sunday one member shared a story in which there was a before and an after, and after which, many things in his or her life changed dramatically. Here is one of those stories. Suzanne Suddarth – Before & After I have prayed throughout my life, especially during difficult times. I prayed for strength and courage when I went through Marine Corps boot camp. I prayed for confidence and the ability to…
Melissa F. – Before & After
Short Stories By Jesus Series Our fall worship series was entitled Short Stories By Jesus, in which we were looking at Jesus’ parables, especially some of the most problematic ones. We enlisted the congregation to write Before & After stories. Each Sunday one member shared a story in which there was a before and an after, and after which, many things in his or her life changed dramatically. Here is one of those stories. Melissa F. – Before & After When my first marriage blew up in my face and I found myself living alone with my four year old son and not a few negative emotions, I found a…
Recycle Recycle your plastic grocery bags at church! Did you know Backpack Beginnings uses 1600 bags a week to package the food for the elementary school children, they are always in need of more bags. Look for a drop box at the parking lot entrance.
Worm Composting
Worm Composting The Daisy Girl Scouts who meet at College Park have put together a worm composting bin against the fence facing the playground, and they welcome scraps from groups using the church kitchen. The worms like fruit and vegetable scraps, coffee grounds and filters, rinsed eggshells, paper, bread and pasta. Please avoid composting dairy products, meat, spicy or salty foods, citrus peels, oils and processed/pre-packaged foods. The girls have posted signs in the kitchen as reminders. Just use the purple spade in the food pantry (or a stick) to push aside the top layer of newspaper, deposit the food and re-cover it. Please contact [email protected] with any questions. Thank you…
Laurie White – Before & After
Short Stories By Jesus Series Our fall worship series was entitled Short Stories By Jesus, in which we were looking at Jesus’ parables, especially some of the most problematic ones. We enlisted the congregation to write Before & After stories. Each Sunday one member shared a story in which there was a before and an after, and after which, many things in his or her life changed dramatically. Here is one of those stories. A Wedding—or Two In 1956, one of my parents’ friends, a widow, got married for the second time, and I attended the wedding. Until then, I was unaware that people could have a second wedding. There was only…
Melanie Crenshaw – Before & After
Short Stories By Jesus Series Our fall worship series was entitled Short Stories By Jesus, in which we were looking at Jesus’ parables, especially some of the most problematic ones. We enlisted the congregation to write Before & After stories. Each Sunday one member shared a story in which there was a before and an after, and after which, many things in his or her life changed dramatically. Here is one of those stories. Melanie Crenshaw – Before and After “I don’t see a future for us where I can be happy.” I glanced down at the ring glittering on my left hand which just a few months earlier had expressed the…
Kate Scherer – Before & After
Short Stories By Jesus Series Our fall worship series was entitled Short Stories By Jesus, in which we were looking at Jesus’ parables, especially some of the most problematic ones. We enlisted the congregation to write Before & After stories. Each Sunday one member shared a story in which there was a before and an after, and after which, many things in his or her life changed dramatically. Here is one of those stories. Kate Scherer – Before & After I had never felt a strong connection with God growing up. Being brought up in the Catholic Church, I felt as if things were always structured way too much for my liking…
Kathy Kirstner – Before & After
Short Stories By Jesus Series Our fall worship series was entitled Short Stories By Jesus, in which we were looking at Jesus’ parables, especially some of the most problematic ones. We enlisted the congregation to write Before & After stories. Each Sunday one member shared a story in which there was a before and an after, and after which, many things in his or her life changed dramatically. Here is one of those stories. Kathy Kirstner – Before & After Before and after: my first though is that is a Wheel of Fortune category – At my age, I can see significant events and periods in my life with some degree of…
Diana Washburn – Before & After
Short Stories By Jesus Series Our fall worship series was entitled Short Stories By Jesus, in which we were looking at Jesus’ parables, especially some of the most problematic ones. We enlisted the congregation to write Before & After stories. Each Sunday one member shared a story in which there was a before and an after, and after which, many things in his or her life changed dramatically. Here is one of those stories. Diana Washburn – Before & After Being a member of College Park, an accountant; working with the auditors on annual audits, doing non-profit tax returns as well as individuals from home. I was also providing housing for one…
Kevin Nicholls – Before & After
Short Stories By Jesus Series Our fall worship series was entitled Short Stories By Jesus, in which we were looking at Jesus’ parables, especially some of the most problematic ones. We enlisted the congregation to write Before & After stories. Each Sunday one member shared a story in which there was a before and an after, and after which, many things in his or her life changed dramatically. Here is one of those stories. Kevin Nicholls – Before & After Growing up, I always knew I was a little different than the other kids. At around the age of 10 I finally realized what that difference was. I knew that I was…