• Memoirs

    Gerry Fox Haymes

    Better to Wear Out Than to Rust: Gerry Fox Haymes Memoir by Michael Usey February 6, 2009 I have been pastor at College Park in Greensboro for 15 years, and for all that time, Gerry and Joe have visited about once a quarter at our church, sitting with their favorite (okay, only) daughter Peggy. 15 years, four times a year, about 60 times she’s worshipped with us, Joe with his kind laugh-lined face and Gerry with her marvelous smile and her great love for singing. When she sang of course I noticed Gerry, because very few people sing with so much joy and abandon out in the congregation. Little did…

  • Memoirs

    Barry Shoemaker

    Where is the Glamour Now? Memoir by Michael Usey December 20, 2008 A couple of weeks ago in a sermon right before Thanksgiving, I talked about the first funeral I did in 1985 in Texas. Before the service, one of my colleagues gave me some good advice, great advice then, now shown to be very wise now. He said, just remember three things, you are there to give thanks for his life, to tell him goodbye, and to commend him to God. We are here to give thanks for his life, I thought, how strange. The boy we were burying was dead at 17 and we are here to give thanks…

  • Sermons

    Jeremiah “Meaning in the Midst of Exile”

    Jeremiah 18:1-12; Jeremiah 29:4-14 Sermon by Rev. Pam Strader, West Market St UMC October 26, 2008 Have you ever had a book that you bought in a bookstore, but when you got home it just sat on the shelf or the bedside table? You keep thinking, “I need to get around to reading that book,” but you just never quite do. That happened to me with a book I had bought on the prophet Jeremiah. What drew me to it was that it was written by Eugene Peterson, the Presbyterian who gave us The Message translation of the Bible. But you know what? I have discovered that sometimes God works…

  • Memoirs

    Lee Stocks, Jr.

    Mr. Rozier Lee Stocks Jr., 75, of High Point, died Sunday, September 14, 2008, at Hospice of High Point. Mr. Stocks was born in Laurinburg, NC, October 29, 1933, to Rozier and Annie Mae Stocks, both preceded him in death. During his high school career Lee was named all-state in football, basketball, and baseball. This began his lifelong love of sports. While on summer staff at Ridgecrest Baptist Encampment he met and later married Doris Childers from Oklahoma. They were married for 53 years. After graduation from Wake Forest University and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Lee and Doris served in several churches in the Fayetteville area. In 1965 they moved…

  • Sermons

    It’s a Dog’s Afterlife

    Sermon by Michael Usey April 2008 Two weeks ago I wanted to test the deacons so I asked them a very simple question, what did they think was the most frequently asked questions to me as pastor? Being the diaconate of College Park, they responded with their usual wisdom. Their list included these questions that other people ask me: Where is the bathroom in this place anyway? I do get asked this often. How did you ever trick Ann into marrying you? A very good question indeed. Do you know Jesus? A few in Greensboro doubt that I know him. Who did you bribe to get this job? There is…

  • Sermons

    Sermon by Roland Russoli

    July 20, 2008 Good Morning my name is Roland Russoli Michael announced last week that I would be giving a sermon on our time in Africa. I am uncomfortable with the word sermon, to me it implies order, you know three points and a poem and these last three years have been anything but orderly. My first draft of this talk could have been called Hannibal Lector meets Marco Polo, but after considering the Baptist ( or as close as you get to Baptist ) crowd in this room I left all the scary people, dark alleys, and knife carrying stories out of this talk. College Park has changed a…

  • Sermons

    Foundations of Religious Freedom

    Sermon by K. Hollyn Hollman, General Counsel Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty April 27, 2008 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27 (New International Version) It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. . . . You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love. The entire law is summed up in a single command: “Love your neighbor…

  • Sermons

    Our Deeds Have To Be Done With Love, No Strings Attached

    Sermon by Jeremy Fox December 30, 2007 I. Upon my arrival at Campbell University, the first thing I noticed was the many gorgeous females (this was all before I met Megan, who is above and beyond the females at Campbell). So immediately I came up with a plan to meet some of the females. I went and bought a huge golfing umbrella (enough room for 3 people) and waited for rainy days. Anytime it did rain, I would have my umbrella to escort a few women wherever they needed to go. To them, I was being a chivalrous religion major doing what was right. Little did they know that my…

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  • Sermons

    The Wealth in Being Simple

    Sermon by Rev. Rachel Luck October 1, 2007 Luke 16:19-31 For several years the FOX Network aired a reality TV series starring two Hollywood socialites named Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie. The show was called The Simple Life. Paris is the equivalent to an American Princess, an heiress to the Hilton family fortune. Nicole is the socialite daughter of former pop star Lionel Richie; each of them coming from a fair amount of privilege and luxury. And together, these two young twenty something’s provided entertainment for households across the nation as they watched images of Paris and Nicole’s attempt at living the simple life. Something as simple as cleaning a…

  • Baptismal Statements

    Marty Privette

    Baptismal Statement by Marty Privette August 8, 2007 Being a Baptist is awesome! The idea of being able to chose when your ready to take on your religion and make your own choice of what you believe in is the whole idea behind beliefs. People sometimes get carried away in having a religion before they know what they believe in and the good thing about being Baptist is you chose to be baptized to your beliefs that happen to be shared by others. Faith means different things to different people. Some people are born into their beliefs because their parents believe things forcing them to share those beliefs. Other people…

  • Baptismal Statements

    Clemarie Thomas

    Baptismal Statement by Clemarie Thomas May 27, 2007 When the light is green you go. When the light is red you stop. But what do you do when the light turns blue, with orange and lavender spots? Okay, that’s a pretty big decision; I mean what would you do? We’re all faced with rally big challenges in our lives. Like choosing to be a Christian; who you hang out with; how you act. Doing what’s right. It’s a pretty confusing world. Life happens to be very tough at times. Then there are the days where one good decision makes the whole day very good. Every day that I wake up is…

  • Sermons

    Lessons from Living in a Family with MS

    Sermon by Sarah Ferris May 6, 2007 It wasn’t the trips to the hospital or the cries of pain that made me finally realize my life was going to be different. It was the field days at Joyner Elementary School when I saw all the mothers participating in the fun activities planned for the day. The relays, with wet sponges, running from end to end, trying to be the fastest to fill up the buckets, with mothers running along side their children cheering their team on. And the parachute, in which we would shake as fast as we could, then throw it up and hide under it until the parents…

  • Baptismal Statements

    Laura Kate Ireland

    Baptismal Statement by Laura Kate Ireland April 29, 2007 What does baptism mean to me? Baptism to me means thinking of God more and trying out new things. One of the new things I’m doing is helping people a lot more. A person in my class was having trouble with a math problem. I was able to show them how to work the problem out. Why I decided to get baptized is because I felt like I was ready. Sometimes my teacher tells us to pray before a test so we won’t make a bad grade. And I do pray. Sometimes at night before I go to sleep I talk…

  • Sermons

    To The Orient… And Beyond!

    Sermon by Lin Bunce February 8, 2007 When I was younger, my favorite vacation was an October trip to the Outer Banks. I was guaranteed to miss 2 days of school. We would get up Thursday morning when it was still dark and begin our 6 hr journey to Drum Inlet, by car, ferry boat and then by camper. Once we reached our destination it was non-stop fishing. Grandaddy would have 5 lines cast out into the ocean and I was amazed how he could keep his eye on all of them. On the last night of our trip, dad and granddaddy would fish through the night. I remember one…

  • Baptismal Statements

    Katy Thomas

    Baptismal Statement by Katy Thomas August 13, 2006 Where do I begin? I grew up in the tiny Midwestern town of Marion, Ohio. You may have heard of it if you’re a big fan of cows or corn. I grew up with a very busy Christian mother who rarely went to church, but I did spend a few of my summers visiting Vacation Bible Schools with friends. I grew up knowing that I was a Christian without actually knowing what being a Christian meant. I tried to put together the pieces of the Christianity puzzle at a very young age, sometimes very unsuccessfully. Take for instance, me as a seven…

  • Memoirs

    Sheila Allred Ingold

    A Woman of Her Times, For All Time Memoir By Bill Ingold May 25, 2006 What can I say about Momma that you don’t already know? How do I sum up her life, capturing over seven decades of complex and varied experiences? How can I neatly define a woman who had so many varied and fascinating relationships with those around her? As I fought with this problem over the last few nights, I seemed at a loss of how to find a common thread that defined the essence of Momma’s existence. Finally, I realized that there was no single characteristic that captured who Momma was. Instead, there exists a core…

  • Sermons

    A Light Walk

    Sermon by Daniel Ingram April 23, 2006 1 John 1:1-2:2 It was about this time last year when I was invited to a bachelor party for one of our church members. Like all other bachelor parties, there were arrangements of transportation and honestly that was remarkable. The party bus was equipped with all modern amenities starting from USB cords to laser light display. The interior of the coach had a hardwood floor and leather seating line for premium comfort. I was so impressed by the vehicle that I enquired more about it. I got to know that a party bus like this could be hired from websites like Dream Limousines…

  • Sermons

    On The Road Again

    100th Anniversary Celebration Sermon by Peggy Haymes March 12, 2006 Genesis 12:1-3 I have a confession to make…. I see dead people. Oh, not in the Hayley Joel Osmet seeing Bruce Willis Sixth Sense kind of a way. No, sometimes when I’m sitting in the choir loft, I look up into the back balcony, and almost think I can see them, the great cloud of witnesses gathered there… Nannie Leigh…who used to call church members on their birthdays to sing Happy Birthday. Fred Scott…hearing him pray was like listening in on an ongoing conversation.Now he is able to speak face to face, as friend speaks to friend. Atha Raulston…who we used…

  • Sermons

    Trying to Think Clearly About Abortion

    Sermon by Michael Usey March 2006 An old proverb says, “There is no fool like an old fool, unless it’s a young fool.” Being two years shy of 50, I’m not quite ready to say that I’m old, but the aches I have after a day of playing soccer with my 3 kids convince me that I’m not young either. So, being neither an old fool nor a young fool, I guess I am just foolish–as one fellow minister suggested when I said I was preaching on the topic of abortion. He didn’t come out and call me stupid, but he said, “Why ask for trouble? This is such a…

  • Baptismal Statements

    Samantha Bridges

    Baptismal Statement by Samantha Bridges February 19, 2006 When I think about God, the first thing that comes to mind is love, pure love. There are different ways to love, like loving your family or your pets. My relationship with God is a strong family bond. When I think about all the people in my life like family and friends, I realize that God placed them in my life in order for my life to be complete. When I was younger, I didn’t attend church. I didn’t know a lot about God either. When I first started to come to College Park Church, I liked the sermons. I learned from…