• Music

    Video: A Little Further on Down the Way

    Video: Christian McIvor sings Further on Down the Way in front of the Unity Flag at College Park Church. By Christian McIvor Earlier this past week, Robert Jeffress, pastor of First Baptist Church in Dallas and evangelical adviser to the president, made news by saying that God has given Trump the authority to take out North Korea.  I wrote this song on Friday as a response to that statement, and I was originally going to introduce it by talking about how Jeffress’s interpretation of Romans chapter 13, verses 1-7 was taken wildly out of context.  But then yesterday happened, with alt-right extremist groups, many of which claim to be Christian,…

  • Unity Flag NC
    Events,  Helping Hand,  News

    Unity Flag

    The unity flag is an attempt to utilize designs and colors from several human rights/social justice causes and bring them together in one design. Created by Christian McIvor and Juni Hylton. the Unity Flag was first flown by his fellow College Park Baptist Church members in the FaithAction Downtown Unity Walk in Greenboro, NC on August 5, 2017. Colors used include those in the rainbow flag (LGBTQ Pride) as well as those in the Transgender Pride flag. As much as possible, these colors are presented as they naturally appear on the UV Spectrum, in clockwise fashion beginning with red on the lower left side of the flag. White, black, dark…

  • Blood Drive

    Blood Drive Final Results! 

    Our 6/30 blood drive collected 23 units of blood for the Red Cross.  They tell me this is a good number for a first time drive, so give yourselves a hand.  I would like to especially thank for the following folks for their assistance with setting up, working the drive, and tearing down:  Randy and Jeri Henderson, Walt and Elijah Floyd-Pickard, Mark Fleming, Caroline Joyce, Phyllis Calvert, and Kate Scherer-Jones, and Christian McIvor.  And of course the biggest thanks to everyone who donated…you helped make the world a better place with a simple action. – Keith Burkhead    

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  • Helping Hand

    FaithAction Food Pantry – Update

    There is an immediate need for assorted canned meats, such as chicken, beef, tuna, fish, salmon etc. They also need canned fruits, pasta noodles, cooking oils—vegetable & olive, hearty soups. NO VEGETABLES ARE NEEDED. Drop off items in the marked container in the CP parking lot foyer. Questions? Contact Betty Ruffin 336-508-0968.    

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  • Backpack
    Helping Hand

    2016/2017 School Year BackPack Ministry Recap

    As part of its Ministry Program, College Park partners with BackPack Beginnings to help with food distribution to needy students at Peck Elementary during the school year. There are two groups of volunteers that help with this:  the runners who pick-up and deliver the food to the school on Thursdays, and the classroom distributors that help on Fridays.  In 39 deliveries, our volunteers delivered 3967 bags to Peck, and increase of 378 over the prior year!  A huge thank you to runners John Eagles, Jerry Elkins, Jeri and Randy Henderson, Leslie Hicks, Stephanie Kretz, Tim and Les Lowrance, Kevin Shortt, and Michael Usey, and classroom distributors Beth Hoagland, John Eagles, Jeri…

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  • Helping Hand

    Green Flamingos – Eco-Justice Challenge

    College Park is committed to promoting and maintaining environmentally friendly practices in our church and community. We believe that environmental stewardship is a religious value and a moral responsibility This month’s eco-justice challenge is to reduce our water usage. Water is a finite resource, and reducing our “water footprint” is necessary for a healthy planet. Consider this: about 6,800 gallons of water is required to grow a day’s food for a family of four. Think about ways in which you can reduce your water footprint this month. Take a shorter shower, don’t pre-wash dishes before the dishwasher, install a low-flush toilet in your home. Maybe you could even purchase or make a…

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  • Helping Hand

    Green Flamingos Eco–Justice Challenge

    College Park is committed to promoting and maintaining environmentally friendly practices in our church and community.  We believe that environmental stewardship is a religious value and a moral responsibility. This month’s eco-justice challenge is: Create your own green cleaners! Spring is officially here, and with that comes the often dreaded spring cleaning. This year, instead of using cleaners that leach toxic chemicals into our water and soil, try making your own cleaners. They are easy to make, cheaper, and better for you and the environment! Here’s a really easy all-purpose spray recipe: 2 cups water 1 cup hydrogen peroxide ¼ cup lemon juice Find more recipes from this website: http://www.apartmenttherapy.com/20-diy-green-cleaning-recipes-141129…

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  • Jacob Borders
    Helping Hand

    3 Nickels Campaign 2017

    College Park’s Three Nickels program is one way that we demonstrate our love for people living and dying in extreme poverty around the world. The yearly goal of Three Nickels is to have 100 College Park families or individuals pledge to give at least $1 per week, which equals 15¢ (three nickels) per day. In the past eight years, we’ve supported Heifer International, Pennies for Peace, Haiti earthquake relief, Syrian refugee relief, Watering Malawi, Soles 4 Souls, Food for the Poor, Micro loans for villages in Northern Thailand, Operation Smile, Doctors Without Borders and many other worthy programs. Last year, we gave $5,710! For 2017, the Missions Committee decided to support…

  • boy
    Helping Hand,  News

    News Features About Syrian Toddler & College Park

    Below are many news stories about the tragic mauling of the toddler son of one of the Syrian refugee families that College Park Baptist Church is helping. After the attack on Valentine’s Day, there was a tremendous outpouring of help from the community. A GoFundMe campaign raised $40,000 to help with upcoming medical and household expenses. Since the church was already coordinating a move for them to a better home in east Greensboro, many members and friends completely set up a new apartment and cleaned out their previous home so they will not have to return. Read more about our Syrian refugee family support and how you can help. News &…

  • Syrian Refugee Family Greensboro
    Helping Hand,  News

    Helping Local Syrian Refugee Families

    College Park is helping two Syrian refugee families that have landed in Greensboro. In addition to many household items and clothing that members are donating, our Syrian Refugee Fund will help with rent and other expenses to help them get established in a very strange place for them. DONATIONS: We are grateful for so many donations of time and household goods to get these two families established. Right now, money is the most useful since we can take the families shopping for what they want (including groceries) and pay for rent and utilities. Our Christmas Eve offering of $3,500 went to our Syrian Refugee Fund, and you can donate money online at any…

  • Helping Hand

    2017 College Park Ministry Committees

    Here are the College Park Ministry Committees for 2017: Deacons (3 Yr) – Chair: Matt Lojko  2017                          Wayne Jones Matt Lojko Ed Morgan Kate Scherer 2018 Lauren Sandifer Amy Lowrance Darcie Thompson Margaret Bell 2019 Caroline Joyce Sarah Nelson Laurey Solomon Roland Estwick Bereavement (1 Yr), Chair: Darcie Thompson This team provides assistance to families in grief. Such assistance might include delivering a “travel bag” (coffeepot, cups, creamer, etc.), snacks, or meals to families receiving visitors following a death. A meal for the family on the day of the funeral will be provided if the family wishes. Jeff…

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  • missions
    Helping Hand,  News

    Generous Hearts in December

    THANK YOU for your great generosity in December! Here are some highlights: Angel Tree donations supported four charities in a big way: Delivered 100 bags of toiletries for residents of Open Door Ministries; 600 tubes of toothpaste for inmates at Guilford County Jail; Many cans of food & Lovefeast offering of $693 for Out of the Garden Project to fight hunger Winter coats and warm clothing for children at Peck Elementary. You gave enough socks, gloves and scarves for 125 homeless guests at Greensboro Urban Ministry not only for our Dec 18th dinner, but for January as well! We cooked and served the guests and sang carols. Our matching offering…

  • Sermons

    Good News!? Sermon by Kerri Gibbs

    November 27, 2016 Every Advent Season College Park works with a theme to unite our services as we lead up to Christmas Day.  This year’s conversation began at the August staff meeting.  We threw out ideas to brainstorm and then adjourned to let them ‘cook.’  A few weeks later, Michael sent an e-mail, floating the idea of using anxiety as our uniting theme.  We all felt strong energy around exploring how we live with anxiety and stress daily.  Our concern was how living in such an environment affects our bodies, our lives, our relationships with one another and our relationship with God.  We especially wanted to look at how holidays…

  • News

    Post Election Sermon & Resources

    Worried about the major change coming up in our USA government? Get concrete suggestions in preparation for January 2017’s transition (by demographic issue, but for any interested readers) This list is compiled and moderated by Kara Hurvitz, an attorney and advocate based out of Boston.  It has received contributions from attorneys, other professionals, and lay people all over the country.  In light of its collaborative nature and the contributions of many non-attorneys, nothing in this document should be construed as official legal advice or the formation of an attorney-client relationship. This list will continue to be updated in both English and Spanish, click here to see the latest Google document. Micheal’s Sermon…

  • Jeff Culp

    Highway Star: A Memoir for Jeff Culp

    October 14, 2016 By Michael Usey “So we beat on, boats against the current, borne ceaselessly into the past.” [F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby] Two scriptures from the Hebrew Bible. 2 Kings 9.20: The lookout reported, “The messenger reached them but he is not coming back. And the driving is like the driving of Jehu, he for he’s driving furiously, like a madman.” Then from the Song of Songs 8.6-7: Set me as a seal upon your heart,”¨as a seal upon your arm;”¨ for love is strong as death,”¨passion fierce as the grave.“¨Its flashes are flashes of fire,”¨ a raging flame. Many waters cannot quench love,”¨neither can floods drown…

  • c

    What are Values of the Two-Year Higher education.

    Innovative schooling during this country is fast turning into a necessity around the business enterprise group as a substitute for an extravagance. During the earlier the folks who had a secondary school coaching nonetheless had the chance to manufacture a outstanding community for by themselves as well as their family members. Individuals days are easily turning into a new dieing coal from the previous. Within the off possibility that you wish to have significant acquiring probable amid your life time you could be thoroughly limited by your grasping future as well as the degree of instruction you’ve got gotten. The uplifting information is you you should not must have a…

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  • Events

    Out of the Garden Project – Hearts of Hope

    Join other College Park-ers on September 24th at Hearts for Hope, the annual fundraiser for Out of the Garden Project. Help them provide 1.6 million meals to hungry children and their families this year in Guilford County. The fun evening kicks off at 6:30 PM with a beer and wine reception, followed by dinner, program and dessert bar by The Fresh Market. Plus, enjoy music by Carolina Brass. Read more and sign up by Sept 16th at www.outofthegardenproject.org/hearts . See David Soyars, Mark File or founder Kristy Milholin for info.  

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